Monitor your app and business reviews

ReviewBot’s real-time review tracking helps you keep a pulse on what your customers are saying so you never miss a beat. Easily get reviews in Slack, Zendesk, email, or wherever your team works.

No credit card required.
All reviews in a single location

Trusted by thousands of companies to improve their online reputations.

Track reviews on all major platforms

ReviewBot scans reviews on the iOS App Store, Mac App Store, Google Play, Google My Business, Yelp, Amazon from all around the world. With built-in features like filtering by star level, we make sure you only get the notifications you want.

Platforms supported by ReviewBot

Leverage your existing tools

No need to visit each app store or stare at another dashboard. ReviewBot lets you stick to the tools your team is already using, with integrations for Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zendesk, and others. Be quick and strategic by gathering all of your reviews and reports in one convenient location.

Illustrative example of platforms

Turn bad reviews into happy customers

Prevent your ratings from being dragged down or having new customers turned away because you couldn’t act fast enough when there’s a problem with your app or business. With ReviewBot, every review pops up with it's own deep link so you can instantly reply within the app store.

Example of user feedback

The smart choice for reviews

ReviewBot provides you with every tool you need out-of-the-box to deliver a better customer experience.

  • Automatic translation

    Receive pre-translated reviews in a language of your choice to immediately understand what your customer is saying.

  • Status reports

    Create a Flow to get weekly or monthly reports and see how your scores are trending over time.

  • Competitor tracking

    Effortlessly track your competitor’s reviews, monitor for mentions of your company and compare results so you can see how you stack up.

  • Social sharing

    Automatically share your very best reviews across your social networks to increase trust, visibility, and credibility.

  • Review widget

    (Coming Soon) Display a widget on your website with your favorite reviews, editable from our dashboard.

  • Quick Reply

    (Coming Soon) Reply directly to your App Store and Google Play reviews from inside Zendesk or Slack

Join thousands of companies using ReviewBot today

Try ReviewBot free for 14 days, and only start paying if you love it.